
Decode it:

PWN 200

— Looks like our task set is rather disbalanced. We’ve got a hard pwn, but nothing simpler… That’s a bummer.

— Nevermind, I’ll fix that in a sec.


nc 9279
Token: o3iaw5hpw238iheh

Challenge by [rozetkinrobot](<>).

File system:

PWN 400

callidus77: This reminds me of a story. Technicians were connecting a subscriber to our network. They plugged in the network card, but he was using FreeBSD with no matching drivers installed. They scratched their heads and left. The subscriber finally manages to connect after three weeks.

They say: “Took you long to find the drivers.”

He replies: “I wasn’t searching. I wrote them myself.”

(c) Russian

nc 9278
Token: ccux4jwoq2r0mqid

Challenge by [purplesyringa](<>).
/$ help
Supported commands:
help                            Print this help
exit                            Quit session
resys                           Reset filesystem to backup
cd <path>                       Change working directory
ls [<path>]                     List files in directory
cat <path>                      Print file contents
stat <path>                     Print file metadata
find [<path>]                   Recursively list directory
grep <str> <path>               Search files for substring
write <path> <data>             Overwrite file with hex data
mkdir <path>                    Create directory
unlink <path>                   Delete file/directory
df                              Show free space
whoami                          Show current user
home/purplesyringa$ ls
Type  UID  Your perms  Public perms  Filename
file  129  r-          r-            sticker.webp
file  129  --          --            flag.txt
dir   129  r-          r-            vfs
/home/purplesyringa$ cd vfs
/home/purplesyringa/vfs$ ls
Type  UID  Your perms  Public perms  Filename
file  129  r-          r-  
file  129  r-          r-            vfs


Wicket gate:

WEB 100

Come on in!


Challenge by [baksist](<>).

Language barrier:

WEB 150

We’ve asked our junior dev to implement localization of a website, but there was no time or people to test it. Can you take a look?


Challenge by [baksist](<>).