Binaries / Reversing:


"This part will be the head, " the nurse explains. The proud android mother looks at her newborn for the first time. "However, " the nurse continues, "we noticed a slight growing problem in its code. Don't worry, we have a standard procedure for this. A human just needs to do a quick hack and it should continue to grow in no time."

The hospital hired you to perform the procedure. Do you think you can manage?

The embryo is:

nc 20922

Binary shrink:

After hearing about young computer problems, you have decided to become a computer shrink. Your first patient is a robot elf.

"A little machine dream I keep having, " she says. "But when it is over, I always forget the end. I've captured the dream's program, but I don't dare look".

Can you run the program for her? Are you able to figure out what's in her memory right before execution stops?



Our android mother has reached her third trimester, where she started to experience some pain in the right lower back. Before the doctor advises pelvic tilt exercises, you get called on the job for a procedural check on the fetus's programming.

In the code, you see that the fetus is indeed requesting input, but it also seems to have developed a protective mechanism to prevent execution of your data!
Can you hack the fetus and her mother back to health?

nc 26925


The mainframe speaks:

"Oh ancient robeth! All throughout the land they talk of you becoming obsolete. How is you? Are you in need of assistance?"

"Obsolete? These bots must be abending. I'm working just fine you see. Young bots are the ones having all sorts of troubles, not us. We're maintained and properly managed. However, I do have this old code lying around, and I lost the documentation. Can you find it for me?"
